BGCH. Acadia’s Black Pearl “Gemma”
Gorgeous Girl. Now AKC Bronze Grand Champion going BOS to Best in Show at the Dallas Cocker Specialty July 2018. She also won a SPORTING Group 4 in Gonzales, La. June 2018. Special thanks to Mrs. Mary Alice Lemm for all she does for me and for showing her exclusively for her Grand Championship and Bronze AKC Medal. And for all who helped throughout her show career, including Troy Albert who picked her out at 8 weeks and helped get her going with first majors as a baby!! Also, his help with grooming of this beautiful girl!
BISS BGCH PBJ’S Back in Black X CH. Acadia’s Precious Pearl
CH. Acadia’s Splish Splash
New Champion “Splash” D.O.B. – 9/27/17
Beautiful Roan shown expertly by Per
CH.Juole’s Jem’s Blue Velvet x CH.Acadia’s Witch Hazel
CH. Acadia’s Remember When
This New Champion is “Remi” a beautiful Buff bitch with great substance. D.O.B. – 8/9/21
Shown and finished by Rachel and Troy
Ch.Jacobsen’s Some Call Me Charming x Ch.Juole’s Jem’s Grace Kellee
Ch. Acadia’s High-D Claire
Beautiful Hiedi finishing quicky in the puppy classes with 3 specialty majors. D.O.B. – 10/22/22
Shown by Rachel.
GCH. Acadia’s High Roller X GCH. Brickett’s Miss Demeanor At Acadias
CH.Joule’s Jem N Acadia’s Mary Quiet Contrary
“Mary” Adorable Gift of Love from my dear friend Judy Gabbard She Finished with ease with Per Rismyhr on the lead
CH. Juoule’s Jem’s Robert Redford X Very Vigie Love Of My Life
CH.Acadia’s Witch Hazel
“Hazel”, is 4th generation of my original Parti -line with very limited Parti breedings. I pride this line for soundness,and health
CH.PBJ’S Parti In Platinum X CH. Acadia’s Lil Liberty Belle
CH. Acadia’s Simplicity
“Janey” D.O.B. 4/21/21. Finished quickly from the puppy classes. Shown and finished by Per
GCH . Luarant’s Turn Back Time X CH. Acadia’s Simply Mad About You
CH. Acadia’s Simply Mad About You “Hannah”
Earned her championship with 5 majors before she turned a year. And her first 5 point GCH Major before her 1 st birthday. Love this girl

Grand Champion Acadia’s Braveheart and Champion Acadia’s Simply Irresistible
CH.Bricket’s Miss Demeanor At Acadias (Ticket)
Ticket is co-owned with Jessica she went best bred By Ascob at Spaniel club Jan 2018. Lovely Brown girl. Thanks Jessica

GCHP.Beachstones BlacklistX CH. K-Line N C-Ray’s Sound Of Music